
8:30Doors open

Check-in; Breakfast Buffet by Stephanie Cabrera

9:00Welcome Announcements

Stephanie Solomon


Bart Libby & Brent Olstad

9:30Opening Keynote Address

Bart & Nancy Libby

10:30Breakouts 1A, 1B

Marcy Miller, Brent & Rachel Olstad

11:30Breakouts 2A, 2B

Stephanie Solomon, Pastor Scott Shaull Jr

12:30Lunch Buffet

By Stephanie Cabrera

1:30Breakouts 3A, 3B

Rev. Darrell & Donnell Kenworthy, Bart & Nancy Libby

2:30Closing General Session

Brent & Rachel Olstad

3:15Conference Ends

Thank you for joining us!

Meet the Speakers

Bart & Nancy Libby Parents of Evan Libby, Worship Leader

Opening Keynote & Breakout Session Speakers

Bart and Nancy were high school sweethearts, and have been married 50 years! They are the proud parents of their 33 year old son Evan, who has a Developmental Disability. Their self-imposed burden is to love and support families living with disability; to share the love of Christ with them; and to see the church grow exponentially by welcoming families like ours into their body. They reside in South Lake Tahoe.

Brent & Rachel Olstad Parents of Bryce Olstad, Special Needs Ministry Leaders

Closing Keynote & Breakout Session Speakers

Brent and Rachel entered the world of disabilities in 1990 with the birth of their oldest child. They have served together in disability ministry for almost 30 years. Rachel is currently the Director of Disabilities Ministry at Jacksonville Presbyterian Church in southern Oregon (, and they both serve as co-directors for Camp Levi (, a retreat for families affected by disability. They are very close to retiring and have recently obtained a wheelchair accessible motorhome in order to take their son Bryce on his dream trip across the United States to explore his special interest of Native American historical sites. Adventure awaits! They reside in Phoenix, Oregon with Bryce.

Darrell & Donnell Kenworthy Parents of DJ Kenworthy, Special Grace Ministries Co-Directors

Breakout Session Speakers

Rev. Darrell & Donnell Kenworthy are Co-Directors of Special Grace Disabilities Ministry (AGNCN). Darrell & Donnell draw from lived experience and research-based best practices to offer churches support in answering the Biblical mandate for an intentionally inclusive church that reaches individuals and families impacted by disabilities. Darrell, Donnell, and DJ reside in West Sacramento, California with their son DJ.

Marcy Miller Co-Director of Lighthouse adult ministry

Breakout Session Speaker

Marcy’s heart was won over in 1980 right after college when she accepted a position working with severely emotionally disturbed (SED) adolescents at Yolo County's Mental Health Treatment program. This led her to pursue a Masters in Recreation/Rehabilitation Therapy where she continued to serve adolescents and children and, eventually, adults in the mental health field for 22 years. In 2016, she began serving at Bayside Church and was Director of Special Needs Ministry when she left in 2016.

While semi-retired, she continues to volunteer as Co-Director of the Lighthouse adult ministry and as a Master Gardener. Marcy resides in Penryn, California with a menagerie of animals.

Scott Shaull Jr Pastor of Special Needs Ministry

Breakout Session Speaker

Scott is the Special Needs Pastor at Bayside Church, Granite Bay. He has a passion to partner with the Church, so that every individual with special needs can encounter Jesus from where they are at. Scott believes that inclusion is the key to building the future church, and he wants to play his part in that.

Scott lives in Granite Bay, California with his wife Claire, daughter Penelope, and newly born son Graham.

Stephanie Solomon, M.Ed. BCBA Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Education Specialist; Respite Event Leader

Emcee and Breakout Session Speaker

Stephanie is passionate about serving children and their families affected by special needs. She has volunteered and worked in a variety of church, school and clinical settings for 21 years. She is currently a 3rd grade teacher in the San Juan Unified School District in Sacramento. Stephanie resides in West Roseville, California.

Opening General Session

9:30 | What Families Experiencing Disability Need From the Church

Youth Room: Bart & Nancy Libby

Description: Based on 33 plus years of living it daily, the Libby's will be sharing what families experiencing disability need from the church and body in order to feel fully included and accepted into the community of Christ, in addition to fulfilling a desire for their son's spiritual growth. 

Breakout Sessions

Please select which breakout sessions you would like to attend. You can edit your choices after you register, but this will help us with preparation. 

Choose one "Attend This Session" in each of the three Breakouts. Best to bring at least one colleague so all six Breakouts are covered. Thank you.

Breakout 1 | 10:30*

  • A: How To Host a Thriving Adult Ministry | Marcy Miller

    A: How To Host a Thriving Adult Ministry | Marcy Miller

    Location: Youth Room
    Description: Marcy has several years of experience serving in teen and adult special needs ministry, She now co-leads Lighthouse, which has 110 adults on its roster. She will share her experience and insights on how to plan and facilitate a thriving adult ministry.

  • B: How to Host a Parent Support Group | Brent & Rachel Olstad

    B: How to Host a Parent Support Group | Brent & Rachel Olstad

    Location: Kids Place
    Description: Parents living with disability face a wide array of emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental challenges. Discover some practical ways which the church, the community, and you can serve, encourage, and strengthen parents through support groups. You will learn some easy, but effectual ways to help parents understand God’s purpose in disability and develop a loving community of understanding and support.

Breakout 2 | 11:30*

  • A: How to Offer Behavioral Supports to Your Church Staff  | Stephanie Solomon

    A: How to Offer Behavioral Supports to Your Church Staff | Stephanie Solomon

    Location: Youth Room
    Description: Come discover some simple solutions to the most common behavior challenges and leave our “make and take” session with your very own set of “tools” you can use next Sunday!

  • B: How to Host a Thriving Children’s Ministry | Pastor Scott Shaull

    B: How to Host a Thriving Children’s Ministry | Pastor Scott Shaull

    Location: Kids Place
    Description: It’s the perfect mixture of traditions and new ideas. If you want your children’s ministry to thrive, what questions are you asking, what’s risks are you taking, and how inclusive are you being. Take a tour with me as we take your children’s ministry to the next level.

Breakout 3 | 1:30*

  • A: Fun and Practical Ways to Support Biblical Teaching & Learning | Rev. Darrell & Donnell Kenworthy

    A: Fun and Practical Ways to Support Biblical Teaching & Learning | Rev. Darrell & Donnell Kenworthy

    Location: Youth Room
    Description: Ideas and examples for easy-to-understand Bible versions, off the shelf curriculum, how to energize and expand your current curriculum or even create your own to meet the needs of individuals who often need more visual and tangible resources to support their understanding of Scripture. If you have ideas to share, please bring examples! Let’s collaborate.

  • B: Gifts for His Glory, Instruments in His Hands | Bart & Nancy Libby

    B: Gifts for His Glory, Instruments in His Hands | Bart & Nancy Libby

    Location: Kids Place
    Description: Coming soon

Closing General Session

2:30 | How to Serve Families Affected By Disability

Youth Room: Brent & Rachel Olstad

Description: Families affected by disability are looking for inclusion, acceptance, love, and a place they can use their gifts and talents. The church has the incredible privilege of providing all of these essential services all while pointing them to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Learn what the Bible teaches about serving families affected by disability and how to put these principles into practical models of ministry.


  • $50 per person.
    For groups of 4 or more, use Coupon Code 4+ to receive 25% discount.

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